Hearing Aids
As hearing aid manufacturers continue to develop new technology with enhanced features, the industry is considered to be highly innovative. From Bluetooth connectivity, direct streaming to smart devices, tinnitus management, and automatic sound adjustment, there are so many ways to take advantage of the small and yet powerful devices to fit your specific hearing needs.

The audiology team at the Austin Hearing Aid Center offers hearing technology with a wide range of features. We will help you select the best style for your hearing loss, lifestyle and budget.
We know that hearing instruments are an investment; we will guide you every step of the way to make sure you have the technology that best matches your needs.
Styles of Hearing Aids
You don’t have to settle or be limited to one style. There are various hearing aid styles for every type and degree of hearing loss. The choices vary for needs including comfort, function, features, connectivity, and design. Some models are fit to be worn inside the bowl of the ear, some are inserted into the ear canals, and some are positioned behind the ear. The trend is for more discreet, well-fitting hearing devices which are comfortable while meeting the needs for amplification. The hearing aid selection process can be challenging, so our team at the Austin Hearing Aid Center is ready to assist you. With the help of our audiologists, it will be easier for you to review and weigh the features that are most relevant to your specific hearing needs and lifestyle. Since hearing aids are expected to be worn for many hours in a day, we couldn’t emphasize enough the importance of finding a hearing aid that would best match your hearing needs and preference.
Available Styles:
Invisible in canal (IIC)
IICs are the smallest hearing aid style, custom-molded to fit inside the opening of each ear, in the ear canal. This style of hearing aid is discreet and the most hidden by the shadow of the opening of each ear canal, so it is one of the least seen by others.
Completely in canal (CIC)
CICs are molded to fit inside the ear canal and sit slightly out from IICs. It’s ideal for adults with mild to moderate hearing loss. This is the smallest and least visible type and is less likely to pick up wind noise. Since it is very tiny, it also has very small batteries, which have a shorter life span compared to bigger batteries. Additionally, it may also skip extra features like directional microphones or volume control.
In the ear (ITE)
ITEs can be custom made in two styles – half shell or full shell. Both are ideal for adults with mild to severe hearing loss and are available with directional microphones for better hearing in noise. ITEs may have features that are not available on smaller style hearing aids, such as volume control. Since these devices are larger, they are easier to handle and have larger batteries for longer battery life. Users can also opt for models with rechargeable batteries. ITE hearing aids may pick up more wind noise than smaller hearing aids and are more visible in the ear.
Behind the ear (BTE)
BTEs sit over the pinna, and rest behind the outer ear. A custom earpiece (earmold) is fit inside the ear canal and connected to the hearing aid by a tube. BTE hearing aids are versatile, appropriate for people of all ages and with almost any type and degree of hearing loss. Behind-the-ear hearing aids are a larger style than others, although the newer designs are more streamlined and fit the contour of the outer ear. They come with directional microphones and have more amplification than other hearing aid styles. Depending on the brand, BTEs may be available with rechargeable batteries.
Receiver in canal (RIC) / Receiver in the ear (RITE)
In terms of the speaker/receiver, RIC and RITE hearing aid styles are similar to behind-the-ear hearing aids, since they both are fit over the outer ear, and rest behind the pinna. However, instead of a tube, a tiny wire connects the piece behind the ear to the receiver (speaker). Compared to BTE hearing aids, RICs and RITEs have a less visible portion. These hearing aid models have directional microphones, manual control options and may be powered with rechargeable batteries.
Open-fit hearing aids are another variation of BTE hearing aids with thin tubing or RICs or RITEs with an open ear dome. This style allows the ear canal to be very open, allowing high-frequency sounds to be amplified through the hearing aid and low frequency sounds to enter the ear naturally. Open-fit are a good choice for people with mild to moderate high-frequency hearing loss and better low-frequency hearing. Unlike ITE styles, open-fit hearing aids do not close off the ear canals, making the wearer’s own voice sound better without any distortion.
How Hearing Aids Work
If you’re in the process of hearing aid selection, it’s helpful to review some terms and learn general information about hearing device technology to start. Hearing instruments transfer sound from the environment into the ear canal, through the auditory system. Digital and analog hearing aid devices are powered by either rechargeable or traditional batteries. Hearing devices have a small microphone that collects sound from the environment. Inside each device, there is a computer chip with an amplifier that converts incoming sound into digital code. The computer chip analyzes and adjusts the sound based on the programmed setting for hearing loss. The amplified signals are then converted back to sound waves and delivered to the ears through speakers or receivers.
Hearing Protection
Hearing protection is vital in preserving and maintaining the integrity of hearing. Advanced hearing protection allows users to control the impact of sound. Earplugs are a necessary accessory for musicians, concert goers, and professionals working in the music industry or working in a factory with loud equipment and machinery. Music lovers need to use hearing protection to avoid the risk of being exposed to damaging noise levels.
Hearing protection products are not just for music – they can also be used for various hobbies and interests including swimming, recreational sports, airline travel, and sleeping (to help reduce loud environmental noises and/or snoring from a partner or roommate).
Custom hearing protection is ideal for people who are frequently exposed to loud noises since a custom fit offers more comfort and a snugger fit than standard hearing protection.
Hearing Aids: Optional Features and Accessories
Hearing tech accessories offer additional functionality, including streaming audio, connection directly to a TV, and some additional comfort to enjoy a wider scope of remote control functionality.
Noise reduction features are integrated into hearing aid technology, including wind noise reduction and assistance with background noise when in a setting with multiple speakers.
Directional microphones are designed to provide improved sound coming from the front of the hearing aid wearer. At the same time, sounds coming from behind or beside are minimized. Directional microphones can improve one’s ability to hear even in an environment with multi-talker background noise.
Most of the latest in hearing aid technology comes with rechargeable batteries. Rechargeable batteries are preferred by people who are always on the go because they eliminate the need to regularly change batteries.
Telecoil technology brings the functionality of hearing aids to a whole new level. Wearers can hear more easily and directly when using a telecoil-compatible phone. Telecoil technology using public induction loops are often found in community spaces, including churches and theatres.
Read more about telecoils here:
Wireless connectivity is available to pair between hearing devices and Bluetooth-compatible devices, including stereo systems, phones, televisions and computers.
Remote control connectivity is available with hearing devices. The hearing instrument wearer can adjust the features from a remote control device, without needing to reach up and adjust the hearing aid(s). Other hearing aid models connect wirelessly to a smartphone and have an app that allows the wearer to customize or adjust settings using the phone as the remote control.
Direct audio input allows hearing instrument wearers to plug into audio from a music device, computer or television.
Hearing Aids | Austin, Texas
Hearing aid technology significantly improves hearing healthcare for those with hearing loss. The technology has come a long way since the original bulky electronic devices. Now there are high-tech, comfortable and discreet options available for those needing hearing help. A whole new world of improved hearing and connection is waiting!
To learn more about available hearing aid technology and all the new feature options, reach out, we are happy to help.
Call us today to schedule an appointment!
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Our office is conveniently located off Ben White and Menchaca Road. We take our time with each person, therefore, it is necessary to schedule your appointment in advance.
4403 Menchaca Road, Suite E
Austin, TX 78745 - (512) 444-8684
- (512) 444-8697
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Frequently Asked Questions
An audiologist is a licensed healthcare professional with a clinical doctorate or masters degree in Audiology. They are trained to evaluate, diagnose and treat hearing loss and other auditory conditions including balance disorders and tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Audiologists provide valuable insight and recommend products to help manage and prevent hearing loss, including hearing instrument technology and hearing protection.
Audiologists work with people of all ages, from newborns to adults; some acquire a specialization with certain age groups and types of hearing conditions.
Currently, audiologists need to have a clinical doctoral degree (AuD) and must be licensed by the state where they practice. In addition to state licensure, an audiologist may also be rewarded with the Certificate of Clinical Competence in Audiology (CCC-A) by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).
Audiologists perform the following hearing tests and treatments:
- Diagnostic hearing tests
- Annual hearing evaluations
- Hearing aid fittings, programming and consultations
- Earmold and earplug fittings and consultations
- Dizziness and balance testing and treatment
- Hearing aid repairs, service, and maintenance
- Pediatric hearing loss detection and treatment
- Hearing loss prevention and protection programs
- Aural rehabilitation/Hearing rehabilitation and auditory training
- Custom musicians earplugs and in-ear- monitors
- Tinnitus treatment programs for ringing and buzzing in the ears
- Sound therapy and counseling
- Cochlear implant candidacy evaluations and implant programming
The onset of hearing loss often happens gradually, so it might be hard to detect in the early stages. In most cases, people close to or usually around the person with undiagnosed hearing loss are the ones who can notice the hearing problems first. It is important to have an annual hearing evaluation, in the same way it is recommended to have an annual physical, teeth cleaning and eye exam.
If you or someone you know exhibits the following symptoms, consider consulting an audiologist:
- Perception that people are mumbling when speaking to you
- Constantly asking people to repeat themselves
- Playing the TV or radio louder than the volume level that others around you enjoy
- Missing the doorbell or the telephone
- Missing environmental sounds, such as birds chirping, your car turn signal and microwave beepings
- Hearing a ringing sound in your ears, especially when it is quiet
Hearing loss can be caused by several factors including exposure to loud noises, aging, ear infections, head or ear trauma, medications, congenital or genetic factors, diseases, and a number of other causes.
The most common cause of hearing loss (acquired) is exposure to loud noise. Hearing can be protected by wearing suitable hearing protection like ear plugs or ear muffs.
Hearing loss is diagnosed through a hearing evaluation conducted by an audiologist. Through a hearing test or diagnostic audiologic evaluation, an audiologist will determine the type and degree of hearing loss. The sensitivity, acuity and accuracy of speech understanding will also be evaluated in a hearing test.
A hearing evaluation covers a thorough case history and a physical inspection of the eardrum and the ear canal. Additional tests may also be performed depending on the symptoms. If an audiologist assesses that the hearing loss may benefit from medical intervention, a patient will be referred to a physician.
The results of a hearing test are plotted on a chart called an audiogram. Hearing level (HL) is measured in decibels (dB) and is presented in general categories as follows:
Normal hearing (0-25 dB HL)
Mild hearing loss (26-40 dB HL)
Moderate hearing loss (41-70dB HL)
Severe hearing loss (71-90 dB HL)
Profound hearing loss (greater than 90 dB HL)
Hearing loss is categorized into three types, each caused by different factors and requires different levels of hearing aid technology.
Sensorineural hearing loss
Sensorineural hearing loss occurs when there is a problem with the auditory nerve or the inner ear, specifically damage to the nerve fibers or hair cells of the auditory system. This is the most common type of hearing loss in adults.
The most common causes of sensorineural hearing loss are noise exposure and age-related changes. A disturbance in the circulation of the inner ear may also result in hearing loss. Fortunately, there are numerous options for patients with sensorineural hearing loss.
Conductive hearing loss
Conductive hearing loss is linked to problems in the middle or external ear. With conductive hearing loss, sound is not conducted efficiently through the ear canal, eardrum or middle ear bones, resulting in the reduction of hearing.
This may be caused by earwax blockage or other obstruction in the ear canal, perforation in the eardrum, middle ear fluid, middle ear infection,or other disease of the middle or inner ear. If you are diagnosed with conductive hearing loss, you may benefit from hearing aids, medication, medical implants, or surgical options.
Mixed hearing loss
When there are problems in both the middle and inner ear, the diagnosis will be a mixed hearing impairment. Since mixed hearing loss links both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, treatment options will depend on the nature of the impairment and the symptoms.
Hearing loss can occur at any time in life from factors such as genetics, ear infections, head trauma or certain medications. If you suspect the following symptoms or behaviors in your child, you may need to consult with an audiologist:
-Failed newborn hearing screening
-Delays in speech and language acquisition (i.e no babbling)
-Frequent ear infections
-No startling reaction to loud sounds
-No response or turning to the source of loud sounds after six months of age
-Difficulty following verbal directions
-Short attention span
Any symptom of hearing loss in children should be addressed right away so as not to hamper or delay speech, language and cognitive development as a whole.
There are many different types of hearing aids in the market today, ranging from style, technology, features and design.
Aside from considering the style of the device, you need to consider the features that would be most beneficial to you and applicable to your lifestyle. From waterproof options, directional microphones, telecoils, and Bluetooth technology, there will surely be something for everyone.
Hearing aids are also available in different styles and sizes, and thanks to the advancements and innovations in technology, hearing aids are getting smaller without compromising power.
When selecting a style of hearing aid, the following should be considered:
-Type/degree of the hearing loss
-Power requirements
-Manual dexterity and visual abilities
-Anatomical and medical considerations
-Lifestyle requirements
People with any type and degree of hearing loss may benefit from an assistive listening device. Since the microphone of a standard hearing aid is either worn on or behind the ear, the ability to enhance the speaker-to-background-noise ratio may become limited. This is where ALDs enter the picture, as they are designed to increase the loudness of a desired sound, such as a public speaker, TV, or radio, without necessarily increasing the background noise.
ALDs include TV listening systems, alarm clocks, telephone amplifying devices, and auditorium-type assistive listening systems. Newer ALDs are small, wireless and compatible with digital hearing aids.
Tinnitus, often referred to as ringing in the ears, is a common disorder affecting more than 50 million people in the United States. Some people experience tinnitus as a roaring, hissing, whistling, buzzing, or clicking sound in the ear.
Technically, tinnitus is not the actual disease, but a symptom of another underlying medical condition of the ear or affected by another influencing health factor. Tinnitus can be constant or intermittent, with single or multiple tones. The perceived tinnitus volume can range from extremely loud to very soft.
American Tinnitus Association:
The exact cause of tinnitus is not known. However, there are a wide variety of factors linked to tinnitus that include:
- Noise-induced hearing loss
- Age-related hearing loss
- Wax build-up in the ear canal
- Certain medications
- Ear or sinus infections
- Ear diseases and disorders
- Jaw misalignment
- Cardiovascular disease
- Certain types of tumors in the neck or head area
- Thyroid disorders
- Head and neck trauma
Treatment will vary based on the severity and underlying condition of the tinnitus. There are several treatments to manage the perception of unwanted noise which include:
- Hearing aids with tinnitus-masking features
- Tinnitus retraining therapy
- Sound therapy
- Avoidance of certain medications
- Behavioral therapy
There are various types of hearing healthcare professionals in the industry, varying in terms of education and training.
A hearing instrument specialist and an audiologist are two of the most in-demand professionals when it comes to seeking treatment or advice for hearing loss. To better understand and select which professional is best for your case, here’s the difference between the two –
An audiologist has a degree in audiology and is trained to diagnose, treat, and monitor disorders of the hearing and balance system. Audiologists are well-versed and trained in handling amplification devices, cochlear implants, acoustics, electrophysiology, auditory rehabilitation and psychophysics.
At a minimum, Doctors of Audiology complete an undergraduate and doctoral level degree in audiology. They also undergo a supervised externship prior to state licensure and national certification. Continuing education requirements must be completed so audiologists can maintain state licensure.
For people with hearing loss, balance problems and auditory issues, an audiologist is the most qualified professional that can provide proper diagnosis and treatment.
Hearing instrument specialist (HIS)
A hearing instrument specialist is licensed to conduct audiometric testing to fit and sell hearing aids. To get a license, a hearing instrument specialist needs to take a certification program in hearing aids, complete training hours in the relevant field and pass an exam.
Hearing instrument specialists can fit and repair hearing aids. However, they cannot diagnose or treat hearing loss.
For more questions about hearing loss and other related services, our team at the Austin Hearing Aid Center will be happy to assist you. Call us today at (512-444-8684).