Hearing Aid Repairs
The evaluation is done to determine if hearing loss is present, and if so, to detail the type and severity of the hearing loss. It may also provide insight into the cause of hearing loss as well as provide guidance for the audiologist in making appropriate treatment recommendations.
Our Process
What Tests Will Be Done?
The specific tests performed during the evaluation will depend on a number of factors. These tests will determine the degree & type of hearing loss and the condition of the ear canal and middle ear.
Our audiologist will also determine if the hearing loss is conductive (middle or outer ear problem) or sensorineural (inner ear or central processing difficulties). A diagnostic audiological evaluation includes pure-tone testing, bone-conduction testing, and speech testing.
Austin Hearing Aid Center provides comprehensive hearing tests in Austin, TX.
bone-conduction testing
Pure-tone air conduction testing determines the quietest tones that a person can hear at different frequencies across the speech range. Bone conduction testing is similar to pure-tone air conduction testing. A different type of headphone is used during bone conduction testing, and the results help the specialist determine if the hearing loss is originating from the outer/middle ear or from the inner ear.
A speech reception threshold (SRT) test is often used with older children and adults to confirm the results of a pure-tone test. This test determines the lowest level at which the patient can recognize words or speech stimuli.
Our audiologist may also perform otoscopy (examining the ear canal) and tympanometry (test of the middle ear) to determine the health of the ear canal and the middle ear.
Visual reinforcement and conditioned play audiometry for children
Audiologists are specialists in hearing and hearing rehabilitation. Never hesitate to ask our audiologist for clarification or further information on anything you do not understand.
What Can I Expect During a Diagnostic Audiologic Evaluation?
The evaluation will probably last about 30 to 40 minutes in length. You should also allow for time for discussion with our audiologist to review test results, and ask questions. If the determination is made that you need hearing aids, allow for sufficient time to discuss your options. It is recommended that you bring a family member with you to the evaluation appointment. Most audiologists agree that hearing loss is a family issue. It helps to have another supportive person at the appointment to help you understand the information and recommendations.
During your appointment a medical history will be completed and our audiologist will want to hear about any complaints you have about your hearing. He will pay special attention to any concerns you have about exposure to noise, tinnitus, and balance problems.
The diagnostic audiologic evaluation is a good chance to establish a relationship with your audiologist. Above all, don’t be afraid to ask questions. You will want to be clear on any information you receive so that you can be an active participant in finding hearing solutions that work best for you and your lifestyle.
Audiologists in Austin Hearing Aid Center are experts in providing the most accurate hearing tests in Austin, TX.
Book Appointment
Get Directions
Our office is conveniently located off Ben White and Menchaca Road. We take our time with each person, therefore, it is necessary to schedule your appointment in advance.
4403 Menchaca Road, Suite E
Austin, TX 78745 - (512) 444-8684
- (512) 444-8697
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to serve many people for years.
Frequently Asked Questions
a comfortable place for people to come have their hearing.
I provide a comfortable place for people to come have their hearing tested and discuss their hearing concerns. I offer a free, no obligation hearing aid evaluation. If it turns out that you are a candidate for hearing aids, there is a 45-day trial period that includes follow up care to assure proper adjustment.